The Cyber Threat, the bestselling book from pioneer of cyber threat intelligence Bob Gourley, has now been updated for 2018. The book provides up to date insights into the threat actors in cyberspace including their history and current tactics. The book is full of information of use to executives in multiple sectors of the economy.
Bob Gourley was the first Director of Intelligence in the Department of Defense cyber defense organization and a seasoned advisor to corporations across multiple sectors of the economy shares lessons from direct contact with adversaries in cyberspace in a new book titled “The Cyber Threat”. Understanding the Cyber Threat is critical to preparing your defenses prior to attack and also instrumental in mounting a defense during attack. Reading this book will teach you things your adversaries wish you did not know and in doing so will enhance your ability to defend against cyber attack. The book explores the threat and the role of the emerging discipline of Cyber Intelligence as a way of making threat information actionable in support of your business objectives.
The book is available in paperback and on Kindle.
“When I’m researching my own books, I always turn to Bob Gourley. I make disasters up. He’s seen them for real. And most important, he knows how to stop them. Read this. It’ll scare you, but also protect you.” – Brad Meltzer, #1 bestselling author of The Inner Circle
“The insights Bob provides in The Cyber Threat are an essential first step in developing your cyber defense solution.” – Keith Alexander, General, USA (Ret), Former Director, NSA, and Commander, US Cyber Command
“There are no excuses anymore. Trying to run a business without awareness of the cyber threat is asking to be fired. The Cyber Threat succinctly articulates insights you need to know right now.” – Scott McNealy, Co-founder and Former CEO, Sun Microsystems and Chairman Wayin.
“Vaguely uneasy about your cyber security but stumped about what to do? Easy. READ THIS BOOK! “The Cyber Threat” will open your mind to a new domain and how you can make yourself safer in it.” – Michael Hayden, General, USAF (Ret), Former Director, NSA and Director, CIA
“Bob Gourley was one of the first intelligence specialists to understand the complex threats and frightening scope, and importance of the cyber threat. His book can give you the edge in what has emerged as one of the most compelling, mind-bending and fast moving issues of our time.” – Bill Studeman, Admiral, USN (Ret), Former Director, NSA and Deputy Director, CIA
“The Cyber Threat captures insights into dynamic adversaries that businesses and governments everywhere should be working to defeat. Knowing the threat and one’s own defenses are the first steps in winning this battle.” – Mike McConnell, Admiral, USN (Ret), Former Director of National Intelligence and Director, NSA
Written by a career intelligence professional and enterprise CTO, this book was made for enterprise professionals including technology and business executives who know they must mitigate a growing threat.
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And get the book at The Cyber Threat.
For more on this or any other technology topic, contact Crucial Point’s CTO Bob Gourley today. We can provide a free assessment of your current situation and more insights into our Technology Due Diligence and CTO Advisory Services.