For the next two days in DC over 1000 key leaders from the national security community will be converging in a dynamic examination of intelligence and national security issues at the Intelligence and National Security Summit. This event, a collaboration of the intelligence committee of AFCEA and the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) is a first of its kind session that brings together over 70 national thought leaders from public, private and academic sectors to encourage strategic dialog on issues of intelligence effectiveness, transparency and accountability.
Some of the issues we will examine include:
- As sensors and smart devices become ubiquitous, is it realistic for the Intelligence Community to pursue a “collect everything” mission? What are the criteria for prioritizing and discriminating among classes, categories and scales of discrete or aggregated sensor data?
- Does the IC ITE model and infrastructure offer the flexibility and scale required for exploitation of the IoT in an efficient and effective manner?
- Will the National Security Community be capable of offering security protection, including security advice, for massive commercially or privately owned networks of sensors and remotely controllable devices? Should it be?
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